2. Installing the Code!!!
Part 1: Dependencies
The software relies on other programs to run smoothly. We'll install these now. If not already, connect using PuTTY.
- Install Main Dependencies
sudo apt install git
-y sudo apt installpython3-pip-y sudo apt installpython-setuptools-y sudo apt installpython3-flask-y sudo apt installpython-flask -y sudo pip install django-templates - Now, we're going to install the official PiCar-V code.
cd ~/ git clone https://github.com/sunfounder/SunFounder_PiCar-V.git
- Enter the directory
cd ~/SunFounder_PiCar-V
- Install smaller dependencies
sudo ./install_dependencies
sudo reboot now
sudo reboot now
Right now's a great time to move the car to battery power if plugged into the wall.
Part 2: Extra Settings
In this part, we'll enable I2C in the Pi's Config. This allows you to control the motors. Don't worry, this one's quick, and you're almost ready to drive :}}}}
- Enter the Raspberry Pi config
sudo raspi-config
- Select interface options by
usingpressing the numberonfor theoption, andoption using your keyboard. - Enable I2C by moving down to the option and pressing enter.
- You can use "esc" to exit.
Part 3: Drivers and Services
If not already,already using the batteries, connect the Pi to the batteries.
Now, we'll install the drivers for the servos on the car, and we'll makewrite some code to ensure the program runs on boot.
cd ~/SunFounder_PiCar-V
2. Run the Servo Setup Script - This will move servos in the car, so make sure it is on the floor in an open space.
picar servo-install
3. This next part sets up AutoStart for the remote control program. We'll make a new "service file" so the pi knows to start it after booting.
sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/PiCar.service
4. Paste the following code, then exit.
ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 10
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/SunFounder_PiCar-V/remote_control/manage.py runserver
5. Now we'll enable the service with the following commands.
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable PiCar.service
DONE! The next page explains how to connect to the car.