Linux Basics
Here's some software you can use to manage the PiCar, and any linux server or device.
- Putty - Putty is a program for remotely connecting to the terminal interface of any linux server. This is called SSH. Putty is pretty simple, all it requires is the IP address or hostname of the device, and you'll be ready to connect!
Demo Screenshots:
- Raspberry Pi Imager - This allows you to install software on Raspberry Pis easily. All you do is select the SD card, operating system, and change a couple settings.
Demo Screenshots
These PiCars primarily run Linux. The specific distribution of Linux being Raspbian, which is based on Debian.
These are some basic Linux commands that will help you get through setup. These are very basic, and I can't even touch on the thousands of possible commands and their combinations. This will just allow you to get through setup, and start driving.
To list all files in a folder, execute:
To enter a folder, execute:
cd (folder)
To leave a folder, execute:
cd ..
To go to your home directory, execute:
cd ~
File Editing
To edit or create a text file, execute:
nano <filename>
If you ever do not have sufficient access or permissions to a file, type:
sudo <your command>
Power Controls
To turn on the pi after a shutdown, plug it in.
To turn off the pi, execute:
sudo shutdown now
To reboot the pi, execute:
sudo reboot now
If you have any other questions, google and stack overflow are your friends. Don't be afraid to look things up... I needed to a lot. :)
If you want to contact me (Liev) you can E-Mail
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