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2. OctoPrint Inital Setup and Printer Configuration

Part 1: Power On

Remember to use a decent power source for the Pi. A random iPhone or iPad charger will not have the ability to sustain the current required for the Pi. Use at lease a 5V 2.4A power brick.

Making the following modification to the USB cable is MANDATORY!!! Ignoring these instructions could fry the printer, or the PI.

  1. Plug the Raspberry Pi into the 3D printer using a USB-A to Micro-USB cable.
    1. Take a piece of electrical tape, and use tweezers to cover the 5V power pin as shown in the following image.


    2. This prevents backfeeding power to the printer, and providing power to the printer even if the printer is unplugged.
  2. Plug the Raspberry Pi into a network port.
    1. Using an Ethernet patch cord, plug the Raspberry Pi's network port into one on the wall. If there is a network switch (hub) in place, plug the Pi into that. 
    2. Only ports marked: "-M", "-L1", "-L2", and "-L3" will provide data to the Pi. DO NOT USE "-V" Ports.

  3. Plug the Raspberry Pi into power.
    1. Remember to use a power source with enough capacity for the Pi. Check the top of the page for guidelines.
    2. Plug a camera into the Pi. (Optional)
      1. Plug a camera into the Pi using a USB cable or the Pi's ribbon cable interface.

Done! - At this point, wait 6 minutes until following the next steps. 

Part 2: Logging In- Initial Setup

This next section is specifically focused on the Ender 3 V2 w/ Mriscoc Professional Firmware Installed. Any other printer could be damaged.

  1. On your web browser (Edge, Chrome, Firefox), enter the website: http://STEM-E3V2-<PRINTERID>.local Remember to change the <PRINTERID> to the one you set while imaging.

    If the aforementioned address did not work, you can try: https://STEM-E3V2-<PRINTERID> -Omitting the ".local"

  2. You should be met with this screen. Skip through it and continue until you reach "Access Control".


  3. Set the username and password to the same as you set in the Raspberry Pi Imager:
    1. Username: stem
    2. Password: STEMROOM6041!!


  4. Select "Enable Connectivity Check" and move on. Running tests is unnecessary.



  5. Select "Disable Anonymous Usage Tracking", and press "Next".


  6. Enable Plugin Blacklist Processing.


  7. Leave all camera settings default.


  8. Default Printer Profile: VERY IMPORTANT!!! 
    1. General:
      1. Name: STEM-E3V2-<PRINTERID>
      2. Model: Ender 3 V2


    2. Print Bed and Build Volume:
      1. Form Factor: Rectangular
      2. Origin: Lower Left
      3. Heated Bed: Yes (Checked)
      4. Heated Chamber: No (Unchecked)
      5. Width (X): 220 MM
      6. Depth (Y): 220 MM
      7. Height (X): 250 MM


    3. Axes: No Changes
    4. Hotend & Extruder: No Changes
  9. Select Finish

This installation is still not ready to print. Many more changes are made in the next Part.

Part 3: The Nitty-Gritty Again...

  1. Open the settings menu, and change the Baudrate to 250000.



  2. Save.
  3. Open the settings menu on the device, and navigate to GCODE Scripts. Copy and paste these GCODE snippets in the corresponding boxes.
    1. Before Print Job Starts:
      M75 {{ }}
    2. After Print Job Completes:
      M77 ; End print screen
      ;disable motors
      ;disable all heaters
      {% snippet 'disable_hotends' %}
      {% snippet 'disable_bed' %}
      ;disable fan
      M106 S0
    3. After Print Job is Canceled:
      M77 ; Stop print timer
      M117 Cancelling
      G27 ; Goto park position
      M84 ; disable motors
      ;disable all heaters
      {% snippet 'disable_hotends' %}
      {% snippet 'disable_bed' %}
      M106 S0 ; disable fan
      M117 Print was cancelled
    4. After Print Job is Paused:
      M76 ; Pause print screen
      M117 Print was paused
    5. Before Print Job is Resumed:
      M75 {{ }}
      M117 Print was resumed
    6. Before Tool Change: Leave Empty
    7. After Tool Change: Leave Empty
    8. After Serial Connection to Printer is Established:
      M117 Octoprint is connected
    9. Before Serial Connection to Printer is Closed:
      M117 Octoprint was disconnected
    10. Save.
    11. Go back to settings. Firmware and Protocol, and scroll down to Protocol Fine Tuning. Change SD Cancel Command to M524.


    12. Save.
    13. Go back to settings. Behaviour, and select "Ignore Warning". Then check: "Send M112 on disconnect due to error."
